Monday, November 4, 2013

LA Movie Review- Zero Dark Thirty

This film is about the hardships that a CIA Agent faced while trying to find Osama Bin Laden & Seal Team 6's mission to execute him. Kathyrn Bigelow was snubbed big time for this. She did a great job as director and was able to make the ending very tense even though you already knew the ending. The last 25 minutes are what you're waiting for the entire time & that's the Seal Team 6 part. That means Jessica Chastain's performance has to carry the other 2 hours of the movie. I thought she did a great job & was rightfully nominated for this. Something that held her back from being better is the fact that we only see her work side & never really her personal side & as an audience that means we can't really fully connect to her character. That isn't her fault, it's the scripts'. Still, the first 2 hours is her being in meetings & dealing with characters that come and go while trying to find Osama's location. This is a good movie & is probably more accurate than the CIA would want you to believe about their usage of torture. The truth is sometimes you have to break the law in order to save it.

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