Saturday, November 2, 2013

LA Movie Review- Kick-Ass 2

Kick-Ass joins a team of real life superheros to clean up the streets while Hit-Girl decides to hang up her cape. In the midst of this, a real life super villain with a personal vendetta against Kick-Ass assembles an evil army. This was a very fun comic book movie with the consequences of the real world. At times those two themes clashed between one or the other. The writing is a mixed bag as some of the scenes feel out of place while the dialogue is hilarious. The movie does have serious pacing issues. Things happen very quickly & moments do come across as forced, particularly with the character of Hit-Girl. Chloe Grace Moretz's character spends less time fighting crime & more time facing the problems of conformity & bullying. The problem is that her character was written so strongly in the first, that every problem she faces without a mask seems like an unworthy one. A worthy threat however, was the villain who's the name alone makes this movie worthy of it's R rating. Alan Taylor Johnson is back & great as Kick-Ass but Jim Carrey steals the show as Colonel Stars & Stripes. Kick-Ass 2 is full of outrageously funny moments along with action. The final battle itself was so entertaining that it makes up for some of the movie's problem. It's the most entertaining superhero movie of the summer & it has a heartfelt message that anybody who chooses to be brave can be a hero. While I do have to push it, this is a

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