Saturday, November 2, 2013

LA Movie Review- 12 Years A Slave

Solomon Northup is a free man who gets kidnapped & is sold into slavery. This remarkable film is an achievement by any cinematic standard. It is truly an experience unlike any other. Steve McQueen directs the most the most powerful film of recent memory. The choices he makes constructing a scene really makes you uncomfortable. He allows the camera to linger on graphic moments detailing the horror that is America's past. McQueen is the true star of the film, making it a gritty look at the reality of those times. In that harsh reality, he allows hope to rise up over despair. The character of Solomon Northup is the role of a lifetime & Chiwetel Ejiofor gives an incredibly moving performance. There is no doubt in my mind that Chiwetel will win Best Actor for his work. Michael Fassbender plays the villainous slave owner. Fassbender was racism incarnate. He was relentlessly evil & intense. His performance brought so much to the character that Fassbender too should be nominated. Bennedict Cummberbatch appears in a smaller role & is good as a slave owner who tries to maintain righteousness. The film's cinematography of the south is very captivating to watch. Composer Hans Zimmer creates a haunting score. I fully expect the film to capture best director, best actor, & best picture.

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