Friday, November 8, 2013

LA Movie Review- Thor: The Dark World

The discovery of an ancient weapon awakens a threat predating the universe, the dark elves. They are after the ancient weapon and it is up to our favorite hammer wielding- Asgardian to stop him. Joining Thor's quest is Jane Foster, Thor's love interest, and the untrustworthy Loki. Alan Taylor directs the latest installment in the Marvel cinematic universe. Alan Taylor provides a somewhat inconsistent tone throughout the film. It is not entirely his fault as the film switches back and forth between space and Earth. As for the movie itself, it is a good film with great moments within it. These moments show the true potential that this movie has, but the overall film contains side plots which detract from the overall story which never allows the film to reach its true potential. The movie also doesn't really pick up until the second half. Chris Hemsworth returns returns as Thor and is great in the role. Natalie Portman also returns but there isn't much she has to do in the film as most of the female characters in the film are a bit underwritten. Tom Hiddelston steals the movie as the mischievous demigod, Loki. He is funny, cunning, dangerous, and extremely fun to watch. The interactions between Thor and Loki were the best scenes of the film because of Hiddelston and Hemsworth's amazing chemistry. Christopher Eccleston plays the leader of the dark elves, Malekith. He is tucked away under so much make up and CGI that it is hard to make a connection to his character. The film does have a large amount of CGI, making it distracting at times. At the end of the day the movie is enjoyable, it is entertaining, but it is not without its faults. I can't give the movie a 4 but I can give it the next best thing.

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