Sunday, November 17, 2013

LA Movie Review- About Time

A man discovers that every male in his family has the ability to travel backwards in time. He uses this new found power to find the love of his life and make every moment perfect. Through his journey he must deal with the consequences of time travel and tampering with life, love, and family. This is a very well made movie that will make you laugh and admittedly, cry. Richard Curtis does a fine job directing this movie, guiding you through the film. This is a mostly light film but Curtis's direction allows the darker moments to never seem out of place, and always relevant to the story. This is not Rachel McAdams's movie as much as it is Domnhall Gleeson's. He gives a very good performance as a a shy, yet charming man. Rachel McAdams is does her part and she's quite good at it. You will never hear someone saying she is bad in a romantic comedy. Bill Nighy gives a fantastic, show stealing performance as a very caring father. This movie was better than I had expected it to be, as the film goes above and beyond what it needed to do. The movie does lose a step towards the end. It breaks a rule that it had previously had established in an attempt to further tug at the heart strings. It pulled me out of the movie and cost it a higher rating. Still, About Time is an enjoyable romantic comedy that is smart and has heart.

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