Saturday, November 2, 2013

LA Movie Review- World War Z

The outbreak of a zombie invasion sends Brad Pitt across the globe in search of a cure. This movie attempts to take itself seriously & therefore isn't as much fun as other zombie movies, such as Shaun of The Dead, Zombieland, or even Warm Bodies. It doesn't focus on killing the undead, but when the zombies are being slain, it's shown with shaky cam. Primarily, it's a virus movie, rather than a zombie movie, that focuses on saving the living. The story becomes very formulaic, as the same things happen over & over again. New, unimportant characters enter & leave the story in the blink of an eye. Side note, there is a cool scene towards the end which reminded me of Jurassic Park, but with zombies. WWZ can divide the audience, as it has a lot of build up that some people may feel doesn't pay off. As I stated, it does try to take itself seriously & I'll buy the zombie invasion concept, but I do not buy the actress they chose to be Brad Pitt's wife. She's too unattractive & I didn't buy Brad Pitt marrying her. It's petty, I know, but it distracted me. WWZ does have cool aspects about it, & while the die hard zombie fan would enjoy it, they probably wouldn't love it.

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