Saturday, November 2, 2013

LA Movie Review- Pacific Rim

Giant alien monsters rise out of a portal in the pacific & begin to attack populated areas. As a result, mankind has built giant robots to fight them off, in an effort to cancel the apocalypse. Guillermo Del Toro directs this bombastic, CGI, action film. The action scenes between the giant robots & aliens are spectacular, when you can get a sense of what's happening. The scope of this movie is just so huge that there's a lot to try to focus on. In the beginning, the action is Transformers-esque, as the camera is so close that you can't tell what's going on. It improves later, as you get great shots of these creatures doing battle with the robots that suck you right into the action. The Hong Kong setting makes it feel like a love letter to Godzilla, which it is. That's all that's good in the movie. The weakest element are the human characters. Charlie Hunnam stars & his acting just wasn't where it should have been. He didn't get you emotionally invested & gave a B level performance. Idris Elba stars as the the commander in charge of the program & is the best actor in it... when you can understand what he's saying. That man has a heavy accent. Ron Perlman, while fun, could have been cut out of the whole movie, as he was completely unnecessary. Another obstacle this movie put itself in front of was the fact that it chose to drop you in the middle of the war, as opposed to the beginning, which would have been cooler. Other problems are the writing, which is cheesy & makes it feel like a B movie. The action scenes are what will draw a crowd & while they are very cool, the rest of the movie brings down what could have been a 4 to a

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