Saturday, November 2, 2013

LA Movie Review- We're The Miller's

A low level drug dealer assembles a fake family so he can smuggle marijuana across the border without being noticed. There are a few laughs to be had with this, but in a year where "This Is The End" was released, a few laughs just doesn't cut it. We're The Millers is not a memorable comedy due to the writing. It's plot is interesting enough but it's execution just doesn't suck you in. The story is predictable & cliche. It tries to have heartfelt moments but they come across as forced. All Jason Sudeikis's character does is make unfunny movie references. Jennifer Aniston hasn't been funny since Friends & unfortunately that streak continues here. Of the two kids, the boy was the funniest. He had a sense of awkward innocence about him that made his scenes have a funnier edge. There are a few funny moments, all of which involving the boy, but it doesn't merit a viewing at the theater. All in all We're The Millers has an interesting premise but poor delivery.

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