Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Worst Films Of 2013

Terrible films that just missed the list include: Bless Me Ultima, Tyler Perry's Temptation, and We're The Millers
10. Instructions Not Included

9. Broken City

8. Oblivion

7. White House Down

6. The Counselor

5. Runner, Runner

4.  The Lone Ranger

3. A Good Day To Die Hard

2. Red 2

1. Pain And Gain

Top 10 Films of 2013

Honorable mentions: The Conjuring,  Frozen,  The Way, Way Back, Captain Phillips, Fruitvale Station, and This Is The End
10. Zero Dark Thirty

9. Dallas Buyers Club
8. Star Trek Into Darkness
7. American Hustle
6. Elysium
5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

4. The World's End
3. 12Years a Slave

2. Prisoners

1. The Wolf of Wall Street

Thursday, December 5, 2013

LA Movie Review- Frozen

   Sister-princesses Anna and Elsa are the best of friends as kids. Elsa has ice powers which make her a threat to her sister leading Elsa to make the choice to exile herself from Anna. After her powers are revealed Elsa decides to further exile herself by leaving the entire kingdom causing Anna to go after her, seeking to save whatever remains of her sister and the kingdom itself, which is thrust into an unforgiving winter. Co-director Chris Buck, director of Tarzan, and co-director Jennifer Lee, who has the distinction of being the first woman to ever direct an animated Disney film, team up to create an homage to previous Disney classics that can not only stand on it's own two feet, but also stands above every other animated movie this year.
   This movie takes on many themes and does it very well. Early on the film deals with loss and responsibility. The character of Elsa must learn to accept the responsibility of her abilities and her authority and the consequences that they hold. She also serves as a symbol of bullying for children. She is afraid that because she is different she will be hated. The film conveys a message that you should be proud of your differences and not fear what others may not understand. The films also exemplifies the importance of friendship and the power of love between siblings and the idea that no one is ever beyond saving.
   Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel star as Anna and Elsa and they sing their heart outs. While Bell is great, Idina Menzel steals the movie when she performs the instant classic song,  "Let It Go" which is absolutely fantastic. The song is a big character moment for Elsa which pays off in a big way due to Menzel's incredible vocal talent. Anna and Elsa are joined by a Kristoff, a mountain man, and Josh Gad's hysterical snowman, Olaf. The adorable snow man delivers big laughs and heartfelt moments whenever on screen.
   Frozen is a tribute to classic Disney, featuring many nods to classic Disney staples. While it is a tribute to old Disney, it does deliver a breath of fresh air in the romance angle of these movies. This animated musical is a much welcomed return to form by the creators of Tangled and Wreck It Ralph. Unfortunately they haven't out done 2012's Wreck It Ralph. It's hard to beat perfect. The film does have a few too many songs,  moments that are too cutesy, and jokes that don't land. However it is worth noting that this is the second year in a row that Disney's computer animation department has delivered a better film than it's in-house competition, Pixar.
   Frozen is sure to be considered a Disney classic in the future. It is also guaranteed to win the Academy Award for best animated picture and win best original song for the show stealing "Let It Go". Frozen is a delightful film that is the animated movie of the year.

LA Movie Review- Nebraska

   When an alcoholic father attempts to make his way from Montana to Nebraska on foot in order to collect one million dollars from a sweepstakes prize, his son reluctantly agrees to drive him. Bruce Dern, Will Forte, June Squibb, and Bob Odenkirk star in this Alexander Payne directed film, shot entirely in black and white. 
  The film does start off at a very slow pace, which may cause interest to fade. The film picks itself up after Will Forte's character drives his father into a small town that he grew up in, reuniting with many familiar faces. From then on the film unfolds and you begin to see what a gem this truly is. Bruce Dern really elevates the movie with his performance. He is truly magnificent in the role. He is able to translate so much across the screen with simple looks. As motivations become clearer, you are able to really relate to Dern. A father who knows that he's towards the end of his life, but is too stubborn to put down the bottle, yet with enough good in his heart that makes you see that the ends truly justify the means. You can't help but think fondly of this character and Bruce's performance after leaving the theater. Will Forte is the voice of reason in the movie. He portrays a loving and understanding son. Forte and Dern worked very well off of each other. June Squibb plays Forte's mother and Dern's wife, and while she may not be as famous as these other actors she nearly steals the film. June is incredibly funny in this. She delivers her dialogue with the utmost sincerity and it is a pleasure to watch. Bob Odenkirk from Breaking Bad fame, plays Bruce Dern's oldest son. Odenkirk doesn't make the movie with his presence, but does what he needs to. 
   This small story about these people who willingly know there is only disappointment ahead and choose to march forward anyways really felt earnest. Seeing this family deal with the people of their hometown laugh at them behind their backs is so unlike anything else seen in cinema these days. That's the type of filmmaker that Alexander Payne is. He enjoys telling smaller, human stories, which I happen to be a fan of. There are no bombastic moments, no bullets flying, no car chases or explosions. Just a simple father son story shot in black and white featuring a great performance by Bruce Dern resulting in a film that happens to be quite charming.

LA Movie Review- Oldboy

   A man is kidnapped and imprisoned for twenty years. When he is released he seeks out his captors for revenge and answers as to why they imprisoned him. Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Shartlto Copely, and Samuel L. Jackson star in this Spike Lee directed remake of a well received South Korean thriller. This is an incredibly dark and disturbing movie that is not for everyone. It is a scaring film that goes beyond anything in recent memory. The film's journey is harrowing and dives into places that are completely unexpected and damaging.
   Spike Lee is a very outspoken director. His direction is at times uneven when setting the tone for the film. Some scenes feel out of place within the film. The style of cinematography changes as the film goes on which proves to be distracting as it can pull you out of the movie and remind you that you are in fact, watching a movie.
   Josh Brolin is terrific in this film. He delivers an intense and determined performance. He goes through a transformation as a man who struggles through alcoholism, isolation, and an unbelievable anger. Brolin also manages to convincingly perform action even when the action sequences seems as though they take place in a heightened reality. Shartlto Copely, fresh off of his turn as the villainous Agent Kruger in Elysium, adds this menacing performance to his repertoire. He is in a word diabolical, though even that word almost doesn't seem strong enough to describe how truly evil his character was.  Newcomer,  Elizabeth Olsen plays a doctor who joins Brolin's efforts of revenge. Her role in the film provides an emotional connection to Brolin and Olsen gives a good performance. Samuel Jackson is fun in the film, but he isn't given much to do.
   The screenplay is fine. There are a few conveniences in the plot now and again but you forgive it since you are getting wrapped up into the story. Then you arrive at the film's final moments. There is a moment that will make you ask yourself, "Oh my god, did they really just do that?" and "Did they have to take it that far?". This will be the moment that is burned into your brain and will light up when ever you think about this movie. I enjoyed a very large part of this film, however, the final moments were just more than I could bear, and thus cost the film a higher rating.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

LA Movie Review- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

After emerging victorious in the 74th Hunger Games,  Katnis Everdeen must now deal with the repercussions of her defiance. This includes her love triangle, President Snow, the 75th Hunger Games, & more importantly the future of the districts & the capital.
  Director Francis Lawrence is a step up from the first installment's director, Gary Ross. He was able to create a better film than the first by making it bigger, as any sequel should do, injecting chemistry between Jennifer Lawrence & Josh Hutcherson, & a great collaboration with the cinematographer. Together Francis Lawrence & Jo Willems accomplished spectacular shots that were aided by the beautiful scenery & tremendous visual effects. The Hunger Games here was far & away better than the first. It was more entertaining, exciting, & suspenseful. The screenplay is a mixed bag for me. While it has great ideas about politics & revolution, it also underdevlops characters & contains cheesy lines.  While the movie is an improvement on the first it does have a new set of problems.
  Staying true to the book is not always a good thing. Film & books are two very different forms of entertainment. Just because something works in a book does not mean it will work in the movie. If something is not essential to the plot then it has no place in the film.  I could have cut at least 20 minutes out of the movie. For example, some of the costumes in the movie are just ridiculous. You get sucked into the movie & then you see Elizabeth Banks walk in with clown make up & the movie loses you. I know it is to further show a separation of the lifestyle between the rich & the poor, but their environments already accomplish that. It is a shame considering what a great concept the movie has & it allows moments like those to disconnect you from the situation. Hopefully the rebooted version of this franchise will go for a grittier,  more realistic touch. The pacing is also an issue. Sometimes you are waiting for the movie to just pick up already.
  The acting is good all around. Jennifer Lawrence was able to do more with the character of Katnis Everdeen than the first. Not only is she one of the best actresses working today, she also does a great job carrying this franchise on her back. Josh Hutcherson steps up this film.  He is given much more to do & his relationship with Katnis becomes believable. Woody Harrelson is great as always. He adds humor to situations while also conveying a sense of mentorship. Sam Claflin as Finnick is a great addition to the cast. He was great, bringing in danger & like ability. Phillip Seymour Hoffman & Donald Sutherland are fantastic actors who are great in the film.
  While this is better than the first, it is still far from perfect. I wanted to love this movie but I only ended up liking it.  Nevertheless the film is an entertaining time at the movies.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

LA Movie Review- Dallas Buyers Club

A homophobic man gets diagnosed with AIDS in the mid-eighties. After being denied admission into a testing group for a drug that could possibly cure the disease, he decides to sell membership to a club that provides prescription medication that could help fight the disease to others who are also infected. This is a great, great movie. Matthew McConaughey, who is unrecognizable in the role, delivers an absolutely fantastic performance that should merit him an Academy Award nomination. He gets better in every movie and this might be his best performance so far. The film's screenplay does a great job of giving him a story arc that really allows him to grow as a character. Jared Leto was terrific in his supporting role, as a cross dressing man who also has the disease. Leto should also receive a nomination as a supporting actor. Jennifer Garner was also good in her supporting role as a doctor who tries to play by he rules but also empathizes with McConaughey and Leto's situation. Director Jean-Marc Vallee does a commendable job with this film. The screenplay is very good, raising interesting ideas through its exploration of  themes, such as homophobia, politics, and death. Dallas Buyer's Club is a great film with two standout performances.

LA Movie Review- About Time

A man discovers that every male in his family has the ability to travel backwards in time. He uses this new found power to find the love of his life and make every moment perfect. Through his journey he must deal with the consequences of time travel and tampering with life, love, and family. This is a very well made movie that will make you laugh and admittedly, cry. Richard Curtis does a fine job directing this movie, guiding you through the film. This is a mostly light film but Curtis's direction allows the darker moments to never seem out of place, and always relevant to the story. This is not Rachel McAdams's movie as much as it is Domnhall Gleeson's. He gives a very good performance as a a shy, yet charming man. Rachel McAdams is does her part and she's quite good at it. You will never hear someone saying she is bad in a romantic comedy. Bill Nighy gives a fantastic, show stealing performance as a very caring father. This movie was better than I had expected it to be, as the film goes above and beyond what it needed to do. The movie does lose a step towards the end. It breaks a rule that it had previously had established in an attempt to further tug at the heart strings. It pulled me out of the movie and cost it a higher rating. Still, About Time is an enjoyable romantic comedy that is smart and has heart.

LA Movie Review- All Is Lost

A man struggles for survival after being stranded at sea.  Writer- director J.C  Chandor has a unique vision for this film & given the extremely tough task of creating an entertaining film with only one actor & a handful of dialogue. Imagine Cast Away without Wilson. Life Of Pi without the Tiger.  Gravity without George Clooney. That's this movie.  Robert Redford stars as the crafty sailor who slowly losses hope after his ship begins to sink in the Indian Ocean. Redford isn't given a back story & on top of the fact that he only says a few words, it becomes hard for the audience to connect with his character. Right from the start the film has an uphill battle to fight. It must keep itself from breaking the rule of film; never be boring. The film is boring many times. It has a very slow tone throughout.  You are essentially watching a man at sea trying to survive.  The problem is he has no one to go back and forth with. The film does have some very beautiful cinematography. The film does do what it sets out to do, creating an unique story. The best way to describe the film is as a very unique pieces of art. Either it will speak to you or it won't. This film just didn't speak to me.

Friday, November 8, 2013

LA Movie Review- Thor: The Dark World

The discovery of an ancient weapon awakens a threat predating the universe, the dark elves. They are after the ancient weapon and it is up to our favorite hammer wielding- Asgardian to stop him. Joining Thor's quest is Jane Foster, Thor's love interest, and the untrustworthy Loki. Alan Taylor directs the latest installment in the Marvel cinematic universe. Alan Taylor provides a somewhat inconsistent tone throughout the film. It is not entirely his fault as the film switches back and forth between space and Earth. As for the movie itself, it is a good film with great moments within it. These moments show the true potential that this movie has, but the overall film contains side plots which detract from the overall story which never allows the film to reach its true potential. The movie also doesn't really pick up until the second half. Chris Hemsworth returns returns as Thor and is great in the role. Natalie Portman also returns but there isn't much she has to do in the film as most of the female characters in the film are a bit underwritten. Tom Hiddelston steals the movie as the mischievous demigod, Loki. He is funny, cunning, dangerous, and extremely fun to watch. The interactions between Thor and Loki were the best scenes of the film because of Hiddelston and Hemsworth's amazing chemistry. Christopher Eccleston plays the leader of the dark elves, Malekith. He is tucked away under so much make up and CGI that it is hard to make a connection to his character. The film does have a large amount of CGI, making it distracting at times. At the end of the day the movie is enjoyable, it is entertaining, but it is not without its faults. I can't give the movie a 4 but I can give it the next best thing.

Monday, November 4, 2013

LA Movie Review- End Of Watch

Two Los Angles police officers make a bust causing them to be placed on the Cartel's list I have finally have returned to review movies & I picked a great one. This is the most emotional, realistic movie I've seen all year. There are a few convenient moments like bad guys randomly carrying cameras but, I got over because everyone played their part. Jake Gyllenhal & Michael Pena both deserve nominations because they each gave the best performance they could have possibly given & The director had you in his back pocket 9 times out if 10 in this gritty story. 

LA Movie Review- Looper

In the future Joseph Gordon Levitt has to find & kill the older him (seems like a conflict of interests) played by Bruce Willis. That in itself is interesting & it delivers everything thing it promises & more. The directing is VERY good, as is the cast. Emily Blunt is good, but JGL & Bruce Willis own this movie. Willis is proving he can act again & JGL just gets better in every single movie. This is one of the coolest movies of the year & deserves to be seen in theaters.

LA Movie Review- Hotel Transylvania

There are a couple laughs in this movie but it isn't the most mature humor. You won't regret watching it like the more recent Adam Sandler movies because it does have heart. All in all it's a good fast paced movie that mostly kids will enjoy.

LA Movie Review- Taken 2

If this movie had any action then I didn't see it because it had the worst shaky cam I have ever seen. The camera work in general was awful as was the editing. The entire thing felt rushed. The directing was Michael Bay bad. ( That's very bad) The villains are idiots & not even Liam Neeson's particular set of skills can save this movie.

LA Movie Review - Sinister

Not everyone will enjoy this movie because they have been over exposed to "Slasher" movies. Movies like SAW, Friday The 13th. & Halloween. This is in no way a "Slasher" movie, this is a TRUE horror movie that is truly scary. It sets itself apart from "Slasher" movies because it's smart, creepy, & actually has good acting. That being said Sinister is the scariest movie of the year with nothing close to it. However if you enjoy sleep then I suggest you stay away from it.

LA Movie Review- Here Comes The Boom

In this movie Kevin James has to save the Fonz's job by becoming an MMA fighter. Kevin James is fine in this movie & a some points even a little believable. While it's not one of the funnier movies I've seen all year, it has some humor & a lot of feel good moments. I can't say that you have to see this movie, but you wouldn't regret it if you did.

LA Movie Review- Flight

This movie really isn't about the plane & that's not a bad thing. It focuses on the pilot's struggle with his alcoholism & problems with God. Denzel Washington gives a good performance as the pilot struggling with the prison of addiction he has put himself in. John Goodman provides the comical relief & really is a scene stealer. This is one of the better movies of 2012, Flight gets a

LA Movie Review- Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

First & foremost I am not a Twilight hater. I hate the idea that surrounds it, the idea that they are good movies. Quite simply they aren't & this one is no exception. The leading performances suck. They suck! I never once believed that Bella loved her CGI baby.(if you have a 100+ million dollar budget then why a fake baby?) The only good performances are Bella's bounty paper towel man dad & the Loki-esque leader of the voulturi. Oh & why is everyone OK with Jacob being a pedophile?!? Everything before the fight was agonizingly boring. ( I mean REALLY boring, I love movies & I wanted to walk out 30 minutes into it) The fight itself was like the 5th best one all year so that's something. Until the fight becomes total BS.
If you enjoy these movies then you will enjoy it regardless of what I say. Just know that this ISN'T a good saga nor "an epic conclusion that will live forever". In fact Summit Entertainment is already planning to reboot this crap.

LA Movie Review-Red Dawn

Under the right direction this movie could have been so much better. Alot of these actors are miscast. Josh Hutcherson's character could have been played by anyone & was very cliche with him not really adding anything to the role. Josh Peck wasn't very good or believable at all. Chris Hemsworth was a good lead but couldn't save it. The entire situation is completely unrealistic & it is way too easy for the Wolverines to do what they do. If you go in not expecting much & throw reality out of the window then you might enjoy it more than I did.

LA Movie Review- Skyfall

James Bond is up against a hacker-terrorist with a personal vendetta against M. This is not only the best Bond movie I have ever seen, but one of the best movies I've seen all year. While no performance is bad, I was a bit let down by Javier Bardem, who's performance as villain, while not bad, isn't on the same level as the villain he played in No Country For Old Men. Either way as good as the cast is the thing that elevates the film to greatness is it's true star, the cinematographer. He does his job perfectly with each shot being truly stunning. This movie is action packed & one of year's best. Skyfall needs to be seen in theaters.

LA Movie Review- Wreck-It-Ralph

This is the best animated movie of the year so far. It has a huge heart, the dialogue is very funny & it includes a plethora of well thought out inside jokes that are very clever. The story is much more complex than it appears on the surface as game villain, Ralph, jumps from one game to another as he looks for acceptance among his peers. Something very special about this movie is that the characters all have deep back stories & fulfilling story arcs as they try to make decisions for the greater good of their home no matter the risk to their friends or themselves while learning who they are within. This movie's animation is fantastic, voice work is great, with the plot having enough twists to keep this movie from ever having a dull moment. Wreck-It-Ralph surpassed my expectations greatly & receives my highest rating.

LA Movie Review- Lincoln

Steven Spielberg has somehow resurrected Abraham Lincoln because I didn't see Daniel Day Lewis once in this movie. Tommy Lee Jones is good & James Spader does his job well as the comic relief. While the movie is very interesting, I didn't get fully on board until Joseph Gordon Levitt's story line causes tension between honest Abe & his wife. Never the less your experience with this film would be much better if you know the history of the passing of the 13th amendment. I have no doubt in my mind that Daniel Day Lewis will nab the Oscar for best actor & It is my opinion that this movie will win Best Picture at the Oscars despite the fact that it isn't the best of the year.

LA Movie Review- Life Of Pi

This is the most visually impressive movie I've ever seen. The story itself is very original as a boy is stranded in the ocean with a very terrifying Tiger. About 30 minutes could have been taken out in the beginning as it takes to long to get to the boy being stranded. We all knew it was headed there & director Ang Lee should have driven the movie there faster. All that time could have been spent into more time with the tiger & boy. Thats where the movie was strongest. All in all this movie has a good message & should be seen in 3D or IMAX if possible.

LA Movie Review- Killing Them Softly

Brad Pitt gets hired to take out guys who robbed a mob card game. Not everyone will enjoy this movie because while it is a Mafia movie it's a Different Type of Mafia movie. That was the director's vision for this movie & it's not the best vision he could have had for it. It seemed like he had focused more to say about America than the story itself. This is a dialogue movie with very little, but very realistic, action. Also it would help if the dialogue was a bit more interesting. The acting was fine but not good enough to earn anybody a statute, including Brad Pitt 

LA Movie Review- The Hobbit

A hobbit joins a team of dwarves and a wizard to take back the dwarves' home after a dragon has taken it. I wasn't a Lord Of The Rings fan going into this movie & after seeing this I can't figure out why anyone Isn't a Lord Of The Rings fan. This movie was all kinds of awesome & is one of my favorites of the year. It is a very long movie & I see how some people could have problems with that, however the score is fantastic & can carry you through those long moments. Aside from those long moments this movie was action packed with fantastic special effects. Martin freeman is perfectly cast, & the rest of the cast brings their A game. The amazing Andy Serkis has only one scene & that's all it took for him to steal the movie as Gollum. The Hobbit is a great movie & I gladly recommend it.

LA Movie Review- Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise is very enjoyable in this as an anti-hero who only cares for justice. Due to tragic recent events this movie will make people uncomfortable because it starts off with a shooting on civilians in a public place. It also isn't the action/comedy it looked to be. While there are a few comedic moments this movie is best described as a mystery. It would have been much better if it stayed with the serious tone it had throughout the first half. After the first half there are some silly moments that take away from the seriousness. Still this movie pleasantly surprised me on how hard they worked to make it good, while it easily could have been crap.

LA Movie Review- Parental Guidance

An icee falling on my lap during the screening was funnier than anything that happened in this stupid movie. This is a cliche, overacted, & unrelatable story about Billy Crystal & his wife babysitting for those annoying type parents(the coddling kind) in their Iron Man home. The only reason it doesn't get a zero is because Billy Crystal made me chuckle a few times.

LA Movie Review- Les Miserables


This film is about singing, God, tragedy, singing, love, a revolution, & even more singing. The cinematography, the score, and set design are incredible. I know Daniel Day Lewis will win best actor for Lincoln but I believe Hugh Jackman deserves it even more as I found the latter's performance to be moving. Anne Hathaway delivers a powerful performance & the best of her career but, I'm not so sure she wasn't out done by Samantha Barks, also in a supporting role. Russel Crowe, while not a great singer compared to the others, is awesome as a villain. Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) is the comic relief & is very funny. Now this movie is not for everyone & is very long but, those who are still interested will love it.

LA Movie Review- Zero Dark Thirty

This film is about the hardships that a CIA Agent faced while trying to find Osama Bin Laden & Seal Team 6's mission to execute him. Kathyrn Bigelow was snubbed big time for this. She did a great job as director and was able to make the ending very tense even though you already knew the ending. The last 25 minutes are what you're waiting for the entire time & that's the Seal Team 6 part. That means Jessica Chastain's performance has to carry the other 2 hours of the movie. I thought she did a great job & was rightfully nominated for this. Something that held her back from being better is the fact that we only see her work side & never really her personal side & as an audience that means we can't really fully connect to her character. That isn't her fault, it's the scripts'. Still, the first 2 hours is her being in meetings & dealing with characters that come and go while trying to find Osama's location. This is a good movie & is probably more accurate than the CIA would want you to believe about their usage of torture. The truth is sometimes you have to break the law in order to save it.

LA Movie Review- The Last Stand

A dangerous fugitive escapes FBI custody and the only one that can stop his path to the border is Arnold Schwarzenegger. As for the acting, Forest Whitaker is awful but hey, it's Forest Whitaker. I forgive him. Arnold is fun to watch as always & I'm glad he's back because I enjoyed this. Is it a great movie? No, it has many flaws. Like the screenplay, it sucks. Negatives aside , this it is a fun, ridiculous, and I do mean ridiculous, bloody, action movie. What more did you expect? 

LA Movie Review- Broken City

The mayor of New York suspects his wife to be cheating on him so he hires Mark Walhberg to find out. I saw this movie with 5 other people & halfway through 3 were asleep & I don't blame them. This is a very boring & unnecessarily long movie. The plot is very uninteresting & the screenplay is lazy. Marky Mark is completely wasted one minute & the next he's fine. Characters disappear for no apparent reason! Mark Walhberg plays the same character he always plays, Catherine Zeta-Jones is underused, & Russell Crowe is tan for the sake of being tan. There is absolutely no sense of these actors being given any direction what so ever. All in all this is a boring movie.

LA Movie Review- Mama

... Mama

Jessica Chastain stars as a hot topic goth girl who takes care of two girls that come from the woods. The acting itself is fine & the two girls are a bit creepy. This movie has a lot of loud moments(joey reference) & jump scares but that doesn't mean it's scary. It shows CGI Mama too much & she becomes unscary. The whole movie isn't scary or original. You've seen this type of movie before. 