Sunday, March 2, 2014

LA Movie Review- The Wolf of Wall Street

     Based on a true story, The Wolf of Wall Street tells the tale of Jordan Belfort, a stock broker who creates his own  business, Stratton Oakmont. Jordan Belfort lives a life full of money, drugs, and sex. Martin Scorsese directs Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill in a film that is an instant classic. 
   "Stratton Oakmont is America"- Jordan Belfort. In all of its glory and decadence, it just may be. I believe Scorsese had that in his mind as he perfectly directed this fantastic story of rise and fall. Mr. Belfort is a man of multiple addictions and he will do whatever it takes to fulfill them. Jordan's confidence takes him through penny stocks, into his own firm, and allow him to emerge as The Wolf of Wall Street.
   Leonardo Dicaprio brings life to the  junkie. He delivers a performance layered with charisma and narcissism. This is a truly memorable character as he is the epitome of everything that is immoral. He's funny, smart, and selfish. Some moments do shine a light at some of the good within him but it doesn't change the fact that he is a terrible person. Leonardo Dicaprio proves that he is one of the best in the world at what he does with this performance. Jonah Hill plays Donnie Azoff, Belfort's right hand man. Hill is very funny as the bumbling stock broker. He has some great moments and really adds to the film. Margott Robbie's break out role is that of Jordan's mistress and second wife. Robbie brings presence to the screen while holding her own on screen with Dicaprio. Rob Reiner is funny in a supporting role and Matthew McConaughey steals a scene early in the film.
   Martin Scorsese directs a great script from Terence Winter. Some people may complain that the film is too long but there isn't one scene I would have cut out. Watching this film you feel that Scorsese was confident in his experience because of how bold this is. This is such a well made and engrossing film that its three hour running time flies by. 
   The Wolf of Wall Street is a great film that in my opinion was the best of 2013.

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